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Social Skills Stories For Students And Readers

Social Skills Stories is an online tool for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder or developmental disabilities to learn the nuances of social communication so they can better interact in a socially appropriate way. The information shared in the program helps to build a base understanding for those who may have trouble relating to others, and it empowers those with these skills to communicate more effectively. If you or someone you know needs additional support with social skills or communication therapy, then this unique program could be a great fit for you. It is important to note, though, that even if a person has a social skill, that person may still need additional therapy in order to fully utilize the ability.


Of the many stories included in Social Skills Stories, the "What Are Social Skills?" series will help students improve their ability to listen to others, which is critical for communicating with peers, as well as romantic relationships, bosses, and other important people in one's life. Other topics include:


A very important concept taught in the program is that of the difference between sharing and receiving. In social skills stories, the speaker relates how he or she heard the story and uses the listener's response to identify key points that were made. After listening, students then are expected to "reject" inaccurate information, and accept only accurate information. After practicing this, students are expected to write a summary of what they have learned, including their opinions about the lessons. See definition at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism.


Other important concepts taught in Social Skills Stories include the value of listening to one's self, and how talking to an audience can help improve a person's social skills. Other programs, such as that of Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), teach the importance of listening to others, and how that skill can help improve a person's conversation and interaction with others. In doing so, TESL helps students learn the importance of building and maintaining effective listening skills, which are instrumental in building successful social relationships. See these stories too at https://shop.adapted4specialed.com/collections/social-stories.


While teaching social skills through stories, instructors also focus on the process by which telling the stories develops and enhances those skills. For example, when students hear how a storyteller interacts with others, they learn to understand how that person approaches people. The stories teach the importance of listening, which is essential in developing trust, compassion, and respect. At the same time, stories help students gain new perspectives and learn new ways of looking at and dealing with the issues that they face every day. This type of program allows students to see a situation from another person's perspective and creates a stronger basis for building successful relationships.


As mentioned above, a great number of resources are available on the internet. Teachers can find a plethora of resources on relevant topics, such as listening skills, parent and student handouts, worksheets, games, and even teacher resources for teachers. If you have a teaching portfolio, you can use this to create story materials that will not only be engaging for students, but will also help them in the process of learning and enhancing their social interaction skills. Finally, if you are interested in using functional pictures to help students understand concepts, functional picture stories for readers and nonreaders, and meaningful life activities, you can easily find relevant core words aacmaterials.

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